Fiction/Non-Fiction/Poetry submission is now closed! Art Submissions now open!
Fiction: We are interested in stories that excite us with innovation in form, structure, and language; above all, we’re looking for stories that connect us, touch us, and revolutionize our worlds. Experimental or not, please send us a manuscript of under 6,000 words. If you’re submitting flash fiction, include up to three stories in a single document.
Poetry: We are interested in poems that blur contemporary styles with traditional modes, poems that light up with raw energy but point in a specific direction, and poems that push through leaps of image and gesture but resound with a strong emotional core. Above all, we enjoy poems that are willing to take risks while maintaining clarity of expression. Send up to 4 poems or 8 pages maximum, all in one document. If you have a single long poem that exceeds 8 pages, we welcome you to submit it as an exception to the page-limit rule and as the totality of your submission.
Nonfiction: We enjoy creative nonfiction pieces that embrace the tactics of fiction but don’t shy away from the innovative and the experimental—in fact, we’re rather interested in what you can show us—but keep in mind we’re looking for engaging nonfiction stories, not journalism or academic essays. Submissions should not exceed 6,000 words.
The Fine Print
mojo submissions should be made through our submissions manager. We do not accept submissions by e-mail or post at this time. Please read the guidelines in each particular genre before submitting.
We welcome simultaneous submissions, but please notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere by withdrawing immediately.
All submissions will be considered for publication in our online issue. Selected works have the possibility of being published in the annual print edition of Mikrokosmos Literary Journal.
If you have any questions or comments, please email the editors at
All payment is subject to any budget alterations that occur throughout the year. We prefer to issue payment through mailed checks, but we can arrange other options if a check does not work for you. You will need to submit a completed W-9 or W-8BEN in order to receive payment.